8 Signs of Stress That Your Body Shows

8 Signs of Stress That Your Body Shows
Images 8 Signs of Stress That Your Body Shows

"Stress is about the psychological mood and has no effect on the body." This is what some people say about stress, but countless stress can affect the mood of your body. This is already evidenced by the related research, and for sure you understand about this because stress is hard to detect by self-sufferers, and more often recognized trivial. Here are 8 signs your body will be showing you when you're stressed:

1-Skin diseases
Some skin diseases may show your psychological mood, like excess acne when you are initially not breakouts. Some studies conducted on students showed a close association with skin problems and stress. This is calculated as evidenced by the research done on mice (mice), that mice that are in the mood of a heavy stress are lighter exposed to skin diseases derived from in rats that did not

2-Weight change
In an atmosphere of stress, you can experience a change in weight, maybe more and more likely to be reduced, even if you've run an orderly exercise accompanied by a healthy diet menu. Weight gain when stress is caused by adding the hormone cortisol. This hormone is tasked with controlling the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates as well as supporting the dose of sugar in the blood required. As the stress of the body produces more cortisol hormones and causes you to eat more, this is calculated coupled with the diminished production of the testosterone hormone that will burn fewer calories, then the result is Gain weight.

Sometimes, when your stress is considered anxiety, it can cause you to lose weight. This is due to the production of excessive adrenaline resulting in faster burning of calories and slowing the production of fat, and the weight results will be reduced.

If you are a person who is always healthy, suddenly you are exposed to flu continuously, like two weeks of flu, two weeks cured, then exposed to the flu again, this is your kudu beware. When experiencing this kind of flu, you do not blame the weather, because it is difficult to connect with the weather atmosphere. The thing you should question is the level of stress that you are experiencing. When stressed, your immune process will decrease its sensitivity to cortisol, and this results in an easy time for you to get inflammation and increase the flu that may be affected. If this is the case, look for the busyness that can reduce your level of stress, then exercise regularly, and support a healthy diet.

Some studies have shown a close connection to stress and indigestion. If you've achieved this stage, stomach pain medications and stomach distention do not sustain much. Try to meet therapists and psychologists to help you reduce the fear and stress you experience.

5-Difficulty concentrating
People who are in a depressed and stressful atmosphere in a long time, most have difficulty concentrating on work or lessons. If you feel, the hard signs of concentration that you are experiencing are more than you are commonly experienced, you should immediately take a break by running the bustle that you think can reduce the pressure while working and learning. Start your job slowly and set a daily target to reduce the pressure when the job accumulates.

6-Hair Loss
Basically, hair loss is a natural thing to happen, but unless you become your hair fall out excessively in very much and cause baldness in certain parts, then you are becoming vigilant. This can be because of the stress that you are experiencing, so try to calm down and get away with the things that cause you to be more depressed and anxious, unless you want your hair to be always beautiful.

Headache is a common thing and can be caused by many things, like not enough sleep, very low blood pressure and very high, cholesterol, pregnancy and many more, is certainly calculated can be caused by stress. Consuming headaches in the long term is certainly not good, one way to reduce headaches is to reduce stress and stay away from things that give you very much mental stress.

8-Sleep Difficulty
Sleep is a basic human necessity that can have an effect on many matters when disturbed. Heavy stress, very anxious, and always nervous can disturb your comfortable sleep at night. This will be counted towards your activities in the daytime like work and study. When it becomes difficult to sleep and insomnia for days, you should immediately see a doctor or psychologist to support you to overcome your sleep problems.

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