Exercises To Know The Age Of Your Body

Exercises To Know The Age Of Your Body
Images Exercises To Know The Age Of Your Body

Everyone has the flexibility that is brought from birth, which is why children can run split and. Time passes and our age grows, then we lose the natural flexibility we've brought since birth and become alive in mobility and crowded working hours. In the end, we become difficult to bend the body backward and it is hard to close our own dress zipper.

Here are five exercises that you are willing to run to test the flexibility of your body and guesswork out how old your body is. Try it, but some come from this versatility exercise will make you uncomfortable, and don't forget to run warm-up before when trying these five exercises.

Exercise 1: To check the shoulder flexibility.
Try running this! If you do it together easily, then your life is still able to be said to be relatively easy. If you can do it but become sick in some parts of the body, then you should multiply the exercise. If this exercise is difficult for you to run this exercise, try bending your hand behind and slowly reaching your elbow with the palm. Silence in this position over a moment, and practice more often.

Exercise 2: To check your back flexibility.
If you can place all your palms on the floor, then your body age is no more than 25 years old and you often run a formation. But if you are just able to touch the floor with your fingertips, then you need more practice. If you are not able to touch the floor like never before, then you need practice before when your body becomes older than your real age.

Exercise 3: To check the flexibility of the front neck and to two shoulder sections.
Try this run! If you are not able to touch your heel, then do not try very hard. Bend your body gently with protection to your two hands, and you need a lot of practice to increase your flexibility because you are no longer a teenager. If you run this exercise together it is easy, congratulations! Don't forget to go back to the first position slowly.

Exercise 4: To check the flexibility of the hips and groin.
If you can touch your knee with a forehead and stay in the next position for at least 2 minutes, then you should be given a congratulation of your body age relatively young. However, if you are not able to touch your knees and your feet automatically bend, then your joints become inflexible, and you need a lot of practice.

Exercise 5: To check the knee flexibility.
When you are young, run this very easily, you just have to create your posture like the letter A. After 30 years old, it would be challenging to run this without bending the elbow, knees, and back. If you have problems running this position, then take a lot of training time and do a regular run. If you are very not able to do it like once then you've aged 50 years and sports are not your friends like it once.

These are the five exercises you are willing to wear to check the age of your body, hopefully, your body age does not exceed your actual age. Don't forget to workout and exercise so your body is forever healthy.  

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