Good Food Storage And Processing Tips

Good Food Storage And Processing Tips
Images Good Food Storage And Processing Tips

How to store food – undenied, food storage and processing are not good enough to result in the loss of nutrients to groceries. So do not include food ingredients into the refrigerator, the step of processing can also affect the quality of its nutrients. And so along with the steps of processing, the treatment step is not quite correct resulting in nutrients to the food evaporate. We can share tips for you ways to keep your groceries from losing their nutrients, review the reviews below:

Storage of fruits and vegetables. Fruit that is best consumed very ripe fitting, very ripe fruit can result in the level of glycemic index (IG) in it increases and able to increase blood sugar levels. It is good for fruit consumed most long 3-4 days after purchase (fresh condition). Storage of fruits, vegetables, and salads should be in cold and dark conditions, such as refrigerators and pantry. Light and heat are capable of causing damage to vitamin B and C. But for more than one kind of fruit like bananas, it's good not to put in the refrigerator.

Frozen. Contrary to the analysis of generally, frozen fruits and vegetables have similar nutrient content with fresh fruits and vegetables, so able to higher. Especially if the release process is set shortly after the harvest so that the fruits and vegetables are not withered. In fact, the association of Relationship in England conducted tests on a number of fruits and vegetables that have been prepared such as melon and cauliflower with vitamin C as an indicator of how fresh and nourishment of these foods, they found that the quantity of vitamin C is not enough from 1/2 from its contents freshly harvested.

Boiled or steamed. In addition to making food more delicious, cooking ingredients including the nutrient levels are more lightly absorbed by the body and minimize the impact of harmful bacteria and viruses. But often the cooking is not quite correct precisely causes damage to the nutritional value of foodstuffs, vegetables for example. Cooked vegetables can be reduced in nutritional value. While the fish or meat are fried have more content of fat and cholesterol, boiling or steaming vegetables, fish, meat and eggs make it healthier. Of course, along the long fitting is not very old.

Stir fry or fried together with a little oil. It is not undeniable that the fried food tastes more delicious than it is prepared with other steps, but it is best to minimize the unsaturated fat levels, the food should be sauteed or fried together with a little oil. Frying or frying together a little oil can withstand the levels of vitamin B and C that are lightly dissolved with water.

Baked or burned. This method is an alternative to food processing that is healthier than fried together with a lot of oil, for fish and processed meats. But to keep in mind, burning very long to cause the flesh to be blackish-colored or scorched can trigger carcinogen substances that are cancer-causing compounds. So do not roast/grilled meat very long.

Raw consumption. Nutritionists are confident that consuming raw food such as carrots or beet fruit can maximize the nutrient levels because of its antioxidant sensitive to heat or water. Japanese people are fond of eating raw food such as Sushi and Sashimi. They are convinced that more than one food such as fish and vegetables are well consumed raw.  

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