How to Eliminate Foot Odor Here You Must Try

How to Eliminate Foot Odor Here You Must Try
Images How to Eliminate Foot Odor Here You Must Try

How to remove foot odor – foot is not true one comes from many members of the body who can produce an unpleasant smell unless not handled together well, more for you who often wear closed shoes in the activity Your daily life. The smell caused by legs could cause you to feel unsure about and cause people around you to feel uncomfortable. What is the hell that causes your feet to smell? The answer is bacteria and sweat. The sweat that comes from your feet then wetting the area of your shoes or socks that after that creates a moist room that stimulus the bacteria to multiply. Bacteria after it eats proteins and amino acids that are contained in your sweat, then the following bacteria will feel the gas. Well, this gas is what causes the aroma of your feet to be unpleasant. To keep your feet from the smell that is not good enough, see these tips.

Foot soaking with British salt
To soak your feet with the British salt you've made a basin preparation filled with warm water, then mix half a cup of English salt. Then soak your feet for 30 minutes, perform one to two times a day. In addition to removing the smell, soaking the feet together with the salt will support you to reduce fatigue and aches in the legs.

Foot soaking with Baking Soda and Lemon juice
Baking soda that is in the kitchen you can use to eliminate the smell of foot who, all you need is: Prepare lemon juice comes from one lemon, a quarter cup baking soda and eight cups of warm water.  Mix all ingredients and then soak your feet for 15-20 minutes, then dry together with a towel, baking soda has a percentage that can support the absorption of oil and smell.

Foot soak with apple vinegar
To soak your feet with apple vinegar, you need half a cup of apple vinegar and 8 cups of warm water. Once well blended, soak your feet for 15 minutes and perform 2 times a day to make a satisfying result. You can clean your feet with cold water especially before you dry it unless you want to. Why is Apple vinegar able to support removing odor on the feet? Because Apple vinegar can support creating an environment that has acidic content in the area of your feet so that the bacteria are difficult to live. So you do not worry about the smell of your feet.

Foot Soak with black tea
Black tea has been popular alongside a variety of efficacy, not true one is eliminating the smell on the feet. You need a footbath, 5 black tea bags, and hot water. Soak the black tea with boiling water to remove the color. Soak the tea bag for 10 minutes and mix the cold water until you have the right warm water for your soak. Soak your feet for 20 minutes and perform once a day.

To avoid coming from foot odor
  • Replace your socks every day, even more for you who perform a lot of physical activity.
  • Use lightly absorbent socks, and avoid using synthetic foot-made Kaso which causes your feet to breathe.
  • Remove your shoes and wind your feet occasionally. Don't let your feet be confined to the shoes for too long. Put a sandals in the locker so that you will be able to change during the rest hours come from work or the school you are willing to apply.

Hopefully, the above tips can reduce and eliminate the smell of the feet that you have problems and have good luck! 

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