5 Bad Habits The Daily Causes of Illness

5 Bad Habits The Daily Causes of Illness
Images 5 Bad Habits The Daily Causes of Illness

Habits are a recurring thing that is repeatedly shown to be integral to everyday activities. How many of us do not clearly do special habits that turned out to be a bad impact on our health? Here are 5 normal ugly normality that we do and are able to have a bad impact on our health:

1-Wearing rubber sandals
According to more than one-foot disease experts, make use of sandals or rubber slippers in the long term is able to cause a case on the legs. This is because the heel is unsafe. When the heel is in an unsafe atmosphere, the toes will tend to grip more tightly. It is then able to cause more than one leg disease, like calluses, leg form abnormalities, nail cases, and others. Rubber sandals are able to be used for short periods, like time to go to the beach or to the garden.

2-Cross the legs
Sitting in this place often you do without you realize, and if you have become habit, this sitting position does not cause any pain in you. Apparently, without you realizing it, this position is able to cause high blood pressure until heart failure. Sitting with a position crossed the numberless foot is able to cause pressure on the hips and blood unification at the foot of blood vessels compressed. The doctor advises not to cross the foot by more than 10-15 minutes.

To maintain your health, let alone you who work behind the counter and use more than one big time to sit, you should make use of a chair that has a good backup for your back. In addition, place a special footstool, so your feet always position 90 degrees. You have to be able to stand briefly and then take the area of your workspace while resting, to launch your blood-blood.

3-Dining at work desk
You do a lot of things on your desk, like putting a document that has been held by many people, your computer keyboard contains bacteria 70 Prosen more than the toilet holder because it is completely less cleaned. Not only that, eating at the desk makes you silent in a similar area for hours and it is able to raise the impact of heart disease. Then going to the office cafeteria to eat with friends is a good choice, then use a ladder from the carry to descend while relaxing the muscles of your body.

4-Bottle plastic beverage
Some people take advantage of plastic bottles for a wide variety of drinks when plastic devices that are more than one large use daily made of plastic polycarbonate. This style of plastic has a chemical poison factory called Bisphenol-A (CPA). These toxins are capable of impacting the body, like the cell regeneration process, growth, energy level, and reproduction. These toxins usually depend on heat, the more heat the drink is inserted into the bottle, eating the more chemical dose of the vial that enters the body. You should not take advantage of plastic furniture for the consumption of beverages or hot food.

5-Fruit and dried fruit juices
For you who hobby fruit juice consumption in packs, and dried fruits, it is better to start thinking again. Fruit juice in the packaging is a drink that is not healthy enough due to the high dose of sugar in the drink. While dried fruits contain sulfur dioxide, which is used to lengthen the shelf era. For those who are allergic to sulfur should avoid consumption of dried fruits. You should check with your doctor if you have allergies to sulfur before the consumption of dried fruits. It would be better to reset if you choose organic notched dried fruits and no preservatives. Dried fruits usually have a short lifespan, but with a special freezing step, the shelf life is able to be extended. 

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