Diphtheria And 5 Things You Must Beware Of!

Diphtheria And 5 Things You Must Beware Of!
Images Diphtheria And 5 Things You Must Beware Of!

Here are some things about diphtheria that you should beware of:
1 – Derived from deadly bacteria
Diphtheria is derived from the bacteria Corynebacterium dish that can infect the human body if the human body is attacked by viruses. After infecting the human body, it will form toxins that kill the living cells. This is what will cause severe disease. This causes diphtheria disease to be really dangerous when it is infected with humans. Infected humans can die when it is delayed.

2 – Able to associate all slimy membranes
The incubation period of diphtheria bacteria is only approximately 2-5 days. The disease will involve all the sensory membranes such as the anterior nose, larynx, tonsilitis, genital and so forth. Usually, it often takes place in the throat and nose members. But it can attack other organs through blood flow. That's why diphtheria is really dangerous because it is capable of contracting all mucous membranes.

3 – Symptoms like invisible but actually dangerous
In some of these issues, usually infected patients have a fever that is not really high but the patient has actually been poisoning. In some severe problems, it can cause respiratory problems, damage to the heart muscle and nerves.

4 – Can cause skin infections
In the region of the United States, the most widely infected with people who do not have a house. Skin infections may actually take place in tropical areas. Usually, skin infections are rash or ulcers that have clear edges, this is caused by C. Diphtheriae and other organisms. This is what we should beware because skin infections can turn into chronic skin infections.

5 – Can cause harmful complications in the form of heart failure and nerve damage, even more attacking in children and adults over 40 years.
Diphtheria is actually a more fatality that affects children and adults (fatal level reach 20%) but can attack other age with a fatality rate of 5-10%. This harmful complication is the most myocarditis (heart muscle failure) and neuritis (nerve damage). The Myocarditis and Neuritis can attack the cause of toxin influence. The Myocarditis causes the rhythm of the heart to become abnormal, swelling of the heart muscle that can cause death. As for nerve damage (Neuritis) Most often attacks the motor nerve. Not only that, paralysis of the eye muscles, limbs and diaphragm can take place after week five. Secondary Pneumonia and respiratory failure are also able to occur due to diaphragm paralysis.

The term of the disease itself is not available, but the meaning of diphtheria udah available since long ago. The bacterial disease was first discovered by two German bacteriologists, Edwin Klebs (1834-1912) and Friedrich Löffler (1852-1915). 1884. That is the reason why the names of diphtheria bacteria are often referred to as Klebs-Löffler bacillus, which is derived from the name of its inventor. So to be concluded, this is a disease that has been known since long ago, but it is another plague because of the poor freshness of society.

Well, it seems that you should start to take care of this disease yes, especially if you must be in the outdoors during the day without using a mask. Make sure you always keep the freshness of your body and mind so that you are always healthy and spared from diphtheria. 

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